Boost NOI with simplified vendor management

Wreno helps real estate companies save time and control costs by simplifying scope of work creation, vendor procurement, and bidding workflows.

For Companies
For Vendors

The game-changing solution for managing every project

Instantly create and send jobs to vendors. Get competitive bids by inviting new vendors. Track projects across properties, all in one place.

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Cost-saving insights

Safeguard your budget — 
and your bottom line

Compare bids and vendor profiles to cut costs. Minimize budget variance with real-time monitoring and unified reporting.

Project efficiency

Save time and prevent scope creep

Create detailed scopes of work and send bids in seconds. Easily track projects and manage vendor replies. Need support? Wreno’s fulfillment team can help you secure the best bid.

Vendor matching database

Explore 400,000 vendor profiles


Unit turns and large projects


Routine repairs and recurring jobs

Skilled trade work

Licensing or credentials required

Are you a vendor? Start bidding today.

Access more jobs from real estate companies near you.

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